Check with Prez Arleen for details
Check with Prez Arleen for details
The Beach House, Monterey Peninsula Country Club 3000 Club Rd, Pebble Beach, CA 93953
St Angela's Church - Contact Joe Shammas for details (
NEW PAYMENT INFO EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2022: Lunch is $31. Cash and checks ONLY. If paying with cash, please bring exact change ($1 dollar bills welcome!). Regular members are invoiced and...
NEW PAYMENT INFO EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2022: Lunch is $31. Cash and checks ONLY. If paying with cash, please bring exact change ($1 dollar bills welcome!). Regular members are invoiced and...
NEW PAYMENT INFO EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2022: Lunch is $31. Cash and checks ONLY. If paying with cash, please bring exact change ($1 dollar bills welcome!). Regular members are invoiced and...
NEW PAYMENT INFO EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2022: Lunch is $31. Cash and checks ONLY. If paying with cash, please bring exact change ($1 dollar bills welcome!). Regular members are invoiced and...
NEW PAYMENT INFO EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2022: Lunch is $31. Cash and checks ONLY. If paying with cash, please bring exact change ($1 dollar bills welcome!). Regular members are invoiced and...
NEW PAYMENT INFO EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2022: Lunch is $31. Cash and checks ONLY. If paying with cash, please bring exact change ($1 dollar bills welcome!). Regular members are invoiced and...
Be sure to put this one on your calendar! Contact Richard Gray for volunteer info.
NEW PAYMENT INFO EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2022: Lunch is $31. Cash and checks ONLY. If paying with cash, please bring exact change ($1 dollar bills welcome!). Regular members are invoiced and...
NEW PAYMENT INFO EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2022: Lunch is $31. Cash and checks ONLY. If paying with cash, please bring exact change ($1 dollar bills welcome!). Regular members are invoiced and...