The Legacy Fund of the Rotary Club of Pacific Grove

The Rotary Club of Pacific Grove established the Legacy Fund in 1991 to support projects in the City of Pacific Grove or within the Pacific Grove School District area. All members of the Club are members of the Legacy Fund. Club members elect Legacy Fund board officers to manage the Fund. The Fund grew through fundraising activities, donations, gifts, and major contributions. The assets were invested in a professionally managed portfolio of diversified mutual funds and held until they reached a target value. Distribution began in 2016.

In 2017, the Legacy Fund board also took over the management of annual giving tasks previously handled by the Club board. Funds raised by Club activities, such as the Concours Auto Rally, Good Old Days, and other events, are transferred to the Legacy Fund board to manage distribution to appropriate causes. 

To distinguish between the purpose of these two pools of money, the Legacy Fund board manages two giving sub-funds, the Pacific Grove Endowment Fund and the Annual Giving Fund.

The Pacific Grove Endowment Fund comprises the original Legacy Fund investment. The bylaws require that a percentage of the balance of the invested funds on July 1st of each fiscal year shall be transferred to a holding account for projects within the City of Pacific Grove or the Pacific Grove School District. The account may accumulate to fund larger projects in later years.

The Annual Giving Fund handles donations from the Club from fundraising activities for use in Pacific Grove, the surrounding communities, or other Rotary domestic and international projects. Donations received during the current fiscal year generally serve as the budget for the following fiscal year.


Projects and organizations supported by the Club include:

•  Restoration of The Little House and Gazebo in Jewell Park

•  Picnic tables in Jewell Park

•  Renovation of the Performing Arts Center 

•  RotaCare (weekly free medical clinic)

•  Interfaith Homeless Emergency Lodging  Program (I-HELP)

•  Scout Troop 90, Pacific Grove

•  Pacific Grove Library, including the new reception desk installed in 2021

•  Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History

•  Breaching Whales and Sea Otter sculptures in Berwick Park

•  Pacific Grove Schools, including renovation of the high school baseball field and annual distribution of dictionaries to all third grade students

Donations and Bequests

Bequests through a will or living trust can continue to support our projects into the future and is an excellent way to create a lasting memorial in the community. 

The Pacific Grove Rotary Club Legacy Fund is a nonprofit tax exempt 501(c) (3) organization.  The registered name and tax ID number are: 

The Pacific Grove Rotary Club Legacy CA Inc.      Tax ID #: 68-0590130

For more information please contact: Pacific Grove Rotary Club Legacy Fund, P.O. Box 51, Pacific Grove, CA 93950

Request for Funds

Please complete the Grant Request Form below and mail to Pacific Grove Rotary Club Legacy Fund, P.O. Box 51, Pacific Grove, CA 93950.

To request funds online, prepare a document with the same information as requested on the Grant Request Form and submit it using the instructions on the Contact Us page. Note that other than Scholarships for students at PG High School awards are made only to organizations not to individuals.

We typically meet on the following weeks:

The last week of January; the last week of March; the last week of May; the last week of July; the last week of September; and the last week of November.

Please make sure that you turn in your grant request prior to our meeting dates to ensure that we will consider it at our regularly scheduled meetings.