ROTACARE Annual Golf Tournament Fund Raiser

The RotaCare Clinic, which is supported by the Peninsula Rotary Clubs, is for the uninsured and underinsured and the homeless. This is a clinic-based primary health care delivery system that provides free medical services to those in need. Our growth and development depends upon the quality and caring that our services provide.

RotaCare delivers care through volunteer caregivers committed to delivering health care in a spirit respecting each patient’s dignity, right to appropriate and competent treatment regardless of ability to pay, and right to expect treatment which is delivered in a manner of privacy and comfort.

The mission of RotaCare is to bring free medical care for the relief of pain and suffering to those people in the most need and who have the least access to medical care. The clinic is open Wednesday evenings from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm at the Seaside Family Health Center, 1150 Fremont Street, Seaside, California.

RotaCare is a non-invasive acute care facility that provides free quality medical care for all patients, by treating them within the RotaCare facility or referring them to outside services. RotaCare clinics are run by volunteers. Each clinic is operated like an urgent care medical clinic. The clinic serves between 40 and 45 patients each Wednesday.

Almost half of the patients seen are children and over half of all patients are female. A majority of those treated are mothers and their children. These mothers are faced with being able to feed, clothe, and house their children or take them to the doctor. This is not a pleasant choice for any parent to have to make.

Some of the people the clinic serves are homeless and have no idea how – or are afraid to access – institutionalized care. Transportation can also be an issue. The clinic strives to be safe, caring, and available in the community where there is the most need. To meet these needs, the clinic has interpreters provided by the Monterey Institute of International Studies and the Defense Langue Institute on Wednesdays who speak and can interpret Spanish.

The RotaCare Clinic of the Monterey Peninsula is one of 9 clinics in California and the only one in Monterey County. Each clinic is autonomous and self-supporting.

For more information, please contact Pacific Grove Rotarian Pam Norton at 831-659-8037 or visit